Friday, July 07, 2006


As previously mentioned, I have spent approximately 150 years painting the three porches on our house. I did not mention that three of the porch-painting hours were spent painting the backerboard, which is the frame that surrounds the lattice under the porch, red. The Husband and I painted the front door red last year, and we thought a red backerboard would add that extra kick we need to make the outside of our house not quite so horribly horribly boring.

Unfortunately, we were wrong. The red backerboard looked awful. It was just too much red, and it drew the eye to the wrong place; namely, the backerboard. So, I heaved a heavy, heavy sigh, and resigned myself to repainting the backerboard gray. I did this without complaint, unless you count all the complaining I did.

But! I had planned to paint the kickboards of the stairs white instead of gray, because I thought it would look weird for the kickboard to be the same color as the top of the step. I therefore did not re-prime the red kickboards, and guess what! It looked great with the red kickboards. It’s just the right amount of red.

I am telling you this because this morning a gentleman walking by on his daily constitutional spotted me and The Husband in the driveway, and stopped to tell us that he loves the red. He totally made my day1.

1What has not made my day is that, thanks to the bathroom renovations, there are HUGE CHUNKS of paint missing from the banister of the second floor porch, and I’m going to have to repaint them2. Kill me now.

2In case you are wondering why it seems that The Husband is totally slacking and not helping me with the porch-painting, I am doing it because it is one of the few items on our enormous household improvement list that I am allowed to do in my pregnant state. Trust me, The Husband is not slacking.

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